Friday, April 15, 2011


im more into omegle than i am into facebook. omegle. its hilarious and soo time consuming.

i love perfect by simple plan.

^that was random.
as was that ^

the only bad part is when you video and all those annoying guys that have their...well...YA KNOWS..out. like..GTFOutta here! but no..they feel the need.
i mean..i guess its pretty interesting because you can just yell hilariously rude things at them and..they dont ALL (:
facebook on the other time consuming and ONLY fun if someone writes on your wall...or pokes that i think about it..ISNT ACTUALLY THAT INTERESTING.
there's no actual human interaction with facebook..and it SUCKS.

yet..i still go crawling back. hahaha
oh well..

im tryin not to be lame..

obviously this blog is new. i guess ill start with introducing myself a little. i wouldnt want ya'll to be in the dark (:
im olivia. a freshman. a carnivore. a good listener. a "troubled teen" is how some adults would describe me. i talk. a lot. i hate my school. NO OFFENSE GUYS. ...actually, lots of're all horrible people. im not emo. i cuss, a lot. (< i guess ill have to keep that on the d-l) my FAVORITE color is purple..and my second choice (for those of you who dont like purple) is green. fer shore..yeah..say it the way its spelled.
i love puns. even though i dont understand them most of the time. i ramble.
most of all, i love poetry, dark chocolate and sappy movies.
i would love to have a boyfriend. not just any boyfriend. i would love to have a boyfriend that i feel comfortable around, and could tell anything to .. without it being weird. one that is sweet. and handsome. i want a handsome boyfriend. not a hot one, not a cute one. no. a handsome one (:
im in love with fairytales.
im probably just gunna rant on the if anyone actually..ever reads these..yeahhh.